The PC-Show changelog. **v1.0.4 FIX - Fixed wrongly saved position, when program closed in minimized state. **v1.0.3 FEATURE - Configurable which file date tag to show in the file list window. **v1.0.2 FEATURE - The filefunctions can now be activated (og deactivated) through the configuration file. FEATURE - File copy has been made. FEATURE - File delete has been made. FEATURE - File move has been made. FEATURE - File rename has been made. FIX - Image buffer width added to .conf file. FIX - During program load, the saved size and placement is checked, and set to something sane, if non-valid (too small, or negative placement coordinates) FIX - Dynamically written version string. FIX - Thumbnails are now deleted, when an image is renamed, moved or deleted. FIX - When an image is deleted or moved it is removed from the imagematrix. **v1.0.1 FIX - Program icon now works as intended. **v1.0.0 FEATURE - Helpfile added and links (in menus) for the project homepage. FEATURE - New (and polished) about box added. FIX - Checks for corrupt thumbnail files, erases them, and request regeneration. FIX - Crash on view image, when no images are shown in the fileselector. FIX - Fullscreen did not work properly on Windows XP and Windows 2000. **v0.4.2 FIX - Ups ... accidentally hid the images in fullscreenmode in the last version, Should work again now. FEATURE - Removed the debug console. **v0.4.1 FEATURE - When no images are selected in fileselector and insertion is selected the focused item is inserted (instead of none) FEATURE - Z closes fullscreen image view FEATURE - Busy cursor on images loading... FEATURE - PC-Grab added to the external programs menu. FIX - Fullscreen mode is now remembered and correct set. FIX - Damaged or illigal imagefiles are now rename to *.badimage FIX - When arrow up is pressed and imagmatrix is in focus a crash no longer ocurred. FIX - Custom rewrite of keyboard navigation in fileselector (Worked nonintuitive under win32) **v0.4.0 FEATURE - Default SaveAs path can now be set in options window. FEATURE - Confirms and filechecks added to SaveFileAs function. FIX - Tiff (and other) image loading error system messages now gone! FIX - Memoryleak after fullscreen has be removed. FIX - Memoryleak on resize removed. FIX - RemoveImage now clears up Image memory... This was a huge memoryleak. FIX - A devision by zero in image size calculation (during window resize) has been removed. FIX - Every resize was performed 4 times... now only one. OPTIMIZATION - pack() is now using a smaller buffer for image scaling, which is both faster and less memory consuming. FIX - Restructuring of much code, to enable possibility of many optimizations. FIX - Windows crash bug (When reading a dir without thumbnails) removed. FEATURE - About Box added. OPTIMIZATION - ImageMatrix insertions is done by events instead of directly. OPTIMIZATION - FileSelector now checks for changes in the list, instead of reading the entire list again. FIX - Made support for .h file dependencies in the Makefile. (Linux only) FIX - Timer resize removed... didn't work out the way I expected. FEAUTURE - Comments field and Show notes toggle button removed. FIX - Non nxn matrix views fixed. All sizes are allowed. FIX - Matrix shrink algorithm rewritten. FEATURE - Xedit and Emacs removed from the external prgrams menu. FIX - Crash when reading an nonexisting watchfile. FIX - When refreshing with new path, the imagematrix is now cleared. FEAUTRE - Dbltclick closes fullscreen image view. **v0.3.7 OPTIMIZATION - Moved thumbnail generation into FileSelectorItem. FIX - Fixed some weird code, that might have caused the following problem: Crash after generating icons (only when just started). **v0.3.6 OPTIMIZATION - Restructured a lot of code, in order to minimize memory footprint and potentially make some parts of the program run faster. **v0.3.5 FIX - Speed keys now work in windows! FEATURE - Arrow button change images/listitems OPTIMIZATION - Pack is called less times, using a timer (ugly, but it works!). **v0.3.4 FIX - Background now gets cleared in ImageMatrix on resize. FIX - Menu entries for external program calls added. **v0.3.3 FIX - Comments and empty lines are now allowed in the options file. FIX - Mismatching (skewed) icons fixed. FIX - Statically linked runtime library in windows (No DLLs needed). FIX - Some weird behavior removed from the sash (SplitterWindow). FIX - Tabs are now ordered and the default button is OK in the options window. (Unfortunately the default button doesn't show right, but it still works!) FIX - Crash on first refresh after icon generation fixed. FIX - Crash if path in pc-show.tmp doesn't exist fixed. **v0.3.2 FIX - Configuration path on windows is now c:\x\.pc-show FIX - Memory leak on refresh fixed. FIX - Program no longer loops when an image is removed from ImageMatrix (i.e. when an image is closed or the n+1 image is added when n is allowed) FIX - Mouse selection in ImageMatrix now works. **v0.3.1 First port release FIX - The GotFocus event did not get posted under Windows. Now a different solution has been implemented. FIX - Program loop, when closed after usage of the fullscreen function fixed. FIX - Both columns and the entire listview now resizes dynamically according to their contents. **v0.3.0 Now ready to port FIX - Options box now has browse buttons for the folder and file settings. FIX - When the selected image in ImageMatrix is closed, the next is selected, to preserve a selection. (If there are no next, the previous is selected, unless it isn't there either... then nothing is selected) FIX - File functions added (still in a raw condition): Delete, Copy, Move, Save As, and Rename. **v0.2.6 FIX - Thumbnail loading changed to idle events instead of threads **v0.2.5 FIX - Thumbnail path under windows now works FIX - Imagelist and icon inconsistency FIX - Rewrote the thumbnail code. Images now load their own thumbnails if they exist. FIX - Filelist refreshes through a refresh message instead of a resize message. FIX - Options file parser now handles \r FIX - Newline in fileselectionlist removed, when running on windows FIX - Last loaded image in imagematrix gets selected/focus FIX - OptionsWindow is now sized properly in windows **v0.2.4 FIX - General code cleanup (Lots of it!) FIX - Crash-bug on program shutdown fixed (partly) **v0.2.3 FIX - Paths.folder skal ikke sammenlignes under opstart FIX - Disable logging (wxLogNull !) **v0.2.2 FIX - Images skal ikke caches (de skal frees når de skjules) **v0.2.1 FIX - SHOW_FULLSCREEN redefine FIX - Klik uden images i matrix = segfault FIX - Kun een thread til thumbnail load FIX - Ikoner vises efterhånden som de loades FIX - Rename filer i projektet til lowercase **v0.2.0 FIX - Close button on images works now. FIX - Thumbnails is now being loaded in a separet thread. FIX - Paths is now being coverted to pure '/'. **v0.1.12 FIX - Dblclick on selectionlist add images to imagematrix **v0.1.11 FIX - focus på (med musen) valgte billede FIX - speedkey til fullscreen (Z!) FIX - dbltklik på image => fullscreen **v0.1.10 Stuff! **v0.1.9 FIX - Options is saved on exit. FIX - The MainWindow posistion, size nd maximized state is now saved. FIX - Fullscreen now works as it should (resizes the image to fit the screen) FIX - Ved manglende .pc-show folder, opret den. FIX - Ved manglende conf fil, opret den. **v0.1.8 FIX - Options is now read from a default configurtions file, and thereafter overwritten by the user conf file. FIX - Busycursor on image load. **v0.1.7 FIX - Indlæs og gem options fil generisk **V0.1.6 FIX - Append to imagelist, not replace imagelist FIX - Rewrite af options struktur options.getInt("width"); options.setInt("width", 100); options.getString("path"); options.setString("path", "/home/deva/"); options.getBool("fullscreen"); options.setBool("fullscreen", false); **v0.1.5 FIX - tøm fileselction tabellen FIX - Create .thumbnails folder if it doesn't exist. FIX - opret dummy fuldskærmsvisningsvindue **v0.1.4 FIX - Create options window. **v0.1.3 FIX - Resizing af images i matricen virker ikke rigtigt FIX - Indlæsning af billeder som har været indlæst før fungerer ikke. FIX - Show file date on fileselection list. FIX - Man kan unsplite main vinduet! **v0.1.0 Monday 12 April 2004 22:00:0 Desc: Waypoint 1 nået, Billederne kan nu vises i imagematrix. :-) **v0.0.9 Monday 12 April 2004 19:19:49 Desc: finpudset (delvist færdiggjort) kommunikationen mellem fileselector og imagematrix. ** v0.0.8 Sunday 11 April 2004 21:53:44 Desc: Streamlining af Image objekterne. Forberedelse til cleanup og refresh ved GotFocus events **v0.0.7 Saturday 10 April 2004 19:26:37 Desc: ImageMatrix er begyndt at tage form. Samarbejdet mellem FileSelector og ImageMatrix fungerer. Ny Makefile. **v0.0.6 Monday 29 March 2004 15:23:16 Desc: ListView tilføjet Læsning af folder med filer Thumbail generering -Show only filename (not entire path) in fileselection list **v0.0.5 Saturday 27 March 2004 19:39:21 Desc: Codebase rewrite, to work with windowsplitter **v0.0.4 Saturday 27 March 2004 15:20:55 Desc: Image skalerering **v0.0.3 Friday 26 March 2004 16:20:20 Desc: Basic eventhandling, samt skalerings research **v0.0.2 Thursday 25 March 2004 10:22:52 Desc: Started creating the Thumbnail class **v0.0.1 Thursday 25 March 2004 08:43:31 Desc: Created the basis project. Created Makefile. Found out how to work with windows and images.